
  • Breathwork workshops

    As an athlete, freediving instructor and yoga teacher, I have a strong passion for mental and physical health. Today many people struggle to deal with stress at work, at home, and sometimes even organising their private lives becomes a source of anxiety.

    In our fast-paced society, people tend to believe that there is a purchasable solution for every problem, but it’s not always the case. Good news is, we all already have a superpower: our breath!

    Breathwork can not only influence our nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety, but it also increases creativity, improves self-esteme, energy, helps healing from trauma and managing PTSD, depression, and much more.

  • Conferences

    Always happy to explain what I do and how my privileged connection with nature improves my life, I offer conferences about freediving. The focus can vary according to the audience’s needs.

    My goal is to make the spectators discover the underwater world through my experiences, inspiring them and stimulating their curiosity in order to hopefully push them to try to get out of their comfort zone, even just for one day. This takes courage but opens minds and hearts - and we all need that more than we know.

    Freediving and the power of the mind being subjects so intriguing, there are usually a lot of questions . Therefore I am always available to stay longer and discuss further with those who desire to deepen their understanding.

  • Team buildings

    To improve self-confidence and trust in others, team building activities including yoga, breathwork and static freediving (dry or in the water) are excellent ways to push limits while learning about relaxation and stress-management.

    Freediving is often seen as an individual sport, but in fact it’s impossible to practise it alone! Regardless of the depth or the time one wants to hold his/her breath, it’s important to have a buddy ensuring safety and helping making the most of the session. For a few moments we trust this person with our life and this helps building a strong bond.

    Different exercises enhance collaboration with colleagues, relatives and friends. At the same time, learning how to relax in a unusual situation can be beneficial to overcome easier the obstacles of day-to-day life.